Alabama does not have a revenue problem

Dr. Jess Brown was on Dale Jackson’s show this morning and was floating the idea in the 8:30-9a slot that Alabamians would soon demand that new sources of revenue (translation: higher taxes) be explored to keep basic services going.

Wrong answer. Yes, yes, I know that there’s the Alabama General Fund, and that only covers non-educational spending. But then there’s the all-important Kitchen Table fund, and any accounting smoke & mirrors beyond that is just insider baseball that frankly doesn’t sway us. The state continues building Taj Mahals to Mediocrity at the same old breakneck pace. The new Lee High School is another Construction Boondoggle for Taxpayer Wastage, but apparently even $46.5 million wasn’t enough. Just today we learned that this particular beautiful new indoctrination center needs its own prison fence, to the tune of an additional $600K.

Lee High School now needs a $600K security fence
Lee HS indoctrination center, now to be accented with prison fence

There is no revenue problem, Dr. Brown. There’s a spending problem.

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